For this Global Gathering, we strive to build a supportive and welcoming space. To accomplish this, we rely on our community as a collective to help us create a conference where we practise respect for each others’ identities, cultures and perspectives.
These guidelines define our common understanding of our goals, community norms and how we come together as a collective. The list is not exhaustive, and might be open to interpretation in some circumstances – if uncertain, please ask a UMI Fund team member.
These guidelines are intended as a foundation and collective agreement for a safer and more inclusive space that we all create together. However, UMI Fund understands that sometimes we will also have a responsibility to actively protect our community and environment from persistent or intentional behaviour that doesn’t meet the spirit or letter of these guidelines. In those cases we may separate those not respecting the guidelines from the group or require them to leave the event or gathering.
Our guidelines:
P-Practice kindness to others & yourself
E-Enter the space with positive intention
A-Actively listen & avoid assumptions
C-Consider how WE ALL can learn
E-Engage as you feel comfortable
You can read more detailed digital security advice here.